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Is martingale a good crypto trading strategy?

Put simply, ideally, you are required to have an abundant supply of capital to make this strategy work. Yet, despite the drawback, the Martingale strategy is still considered a useful trading strategy in crypto trading, which, if used properly, can boost your chances of success.

What is market making in crypto trading?

Market making is one dynamic trading strategy that crypto bots are competent in executing. In this strategy, the primary factor is “non-stop buying and selling of multiple spot digital currencies and digital derivatives contracts.” It is done to catch the spread between the buy and sell price.

What is crypto margin trading?

Crypto Margin trading is about borrowing crypto from what you already have and using this loan to trade the crypto market. The aim of margin trading is to borrow, make profits and repay the loan. Margin trading gives you the leverage to enter the crypto market with larger positions than your account balance.

Should you trade crypto pairs with a small market cap?

This is especially true when trading crypto pairs with a small market cap, whose valuation is more dynamic and unstable. Similar to the stock market, pair trading in the crypto market has to be between two correlated digital assets.

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